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  • Laser Marking… live!

Colorno, January 16th 2024. Laser Marking represents a considerable differentiating factor toward our competitors, and we are proud to say that Transfer Oil is the first company to apply this type of technology to thermoplastic hose marking.

As announced a few months ago, laser marking is already applied on many hose products of the hydraulic range progressively replacing the traditional inkjet marking.  

After an intense set up work, necessary to fit the laser marking process on different hose sizes and different cover materials, the process is now in full swing, and we are receiving positive feedbacks from our customers.

In the coming months our focus will be on extending the laser marking to our industrial hose products which, because of their various colors and sizes, represent a tough challenge.

In this short clip Maurizio Romano, Sales & Marketing Manager of Transfer Oil, provides insights into the special features and key advantages of laser technology as applied to our thermoplastic hoses.

Discover with him in less than 2 minutes why laser marking will improve our hoses and will be very useful for end users.

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a brand of Transfer Oil S.p.A.

Via Sacca, 64 - 43052
Colorno, Italy
T +39 0521 3139

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