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  • Transfer Oil presents its Code of Ethics

Colorno, March 17, 2023 – After an intense job, Transfer Oil has recently released a crucial document that sets the tone for the company's ethical standards - the Code of Ethics. This Code of Ethics is a fundamental document that outlines the core values and principles of Transfer Oil and serves as a guide for all employees to make ethical decisions and conduct business responsibly.
The Code of Ethics plays a crucial role in guiding the behavior of the employees and management of Transfer Oil, as well as other stakeholders such as suppliers and customers. It defines the expectations for ethical behavior in the workplace, including integrity, honesty, fairness, respect for others, and compliance with laws and regulations.
Moreover, the Code of Ethics emphasizes Transfer Oil's dedication to sustainability, safety and the well-being of its employees. This represents a clear indication of the company's efforts to operate in a socially responsible manner.
By adhering to its Code of Ethics, Transfer Oil not only demonstrates its commitment to ethical business practices, but it also strengthens trust with its customers and stakeholders. This trust is essential to establish long-term partnerships that contribute to the success of the company and reinforce its reputation.
Finally, the Code of Ethics is a critical document for Transfer Oil, providing the guidelines for ethical behavior and responsible business practices. Its guiding principles will help the company make decisions that are not only good for business but also helpful to local community and the environment.
a brand of Transfer Oil S.p.A.

Via Sacca, 64 - 43052
Colorno, Italy
T +39 0521 3139

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